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CTG Aboriginal Health is a multidisciplinary Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation that operates 7 businesses that are fully accredited. CTG Aboriginal Health is a proactive service provider, and we pride ourselves on being a highly professional, culturally appropriate, and fully Accredited Aboriginal Health Service. CTG Aboriginal Health is a multi-businesses and outlets which employ over 90 staff across the West and Far West Region of NSW with a 75% ratio of Aboriginal staff. These areas are within the Murdi Paaki Region as well as the Three Rivers Region and part of the Connected Communities area. All CTG Aboriginal staff are highly skilled and trained in their own respective field.
CTG Aboriginal Health operates Primary Health Care Clinic in communities of Coonamble, Dubbo and Gilgandra.
CTG Aboriginal Health operates a Dental Surgery, Gym facilities, Funeral Home and, is funded for the Permanency Support Program via the Department of Communities and Justice.
CTG Aboriginal Health run organisations and projects across 34% of NSW, which delivers outreach services in Western NSW, with linkages to projects across, Coonabarabran, Narromine, Gilgandra, Dubbo, Baradine, Gulargambone, Quambone and clients that attend our service in Dubbo from Wellington and smaller communities near Dubbo.
CTG Aboriginal Health is also funded through the Western NSW Public Health Network to service Chronic Disease projects via Integrated Team Care (ITC) project in locations such as , Warrumbungles, Warren, Lachlan and Bogan Shire, Mid Western Region, Western and Far West of NSW.
CTG Aboriginal Health includes Aboriginal community-controlled medical service officers from the communities within the West and Far West region and is very active in trying to address the health inequality in these communities. CTG Aboriginal Health Services are fully accredited and members of AH and MRC, Bila Muuji and NACCHO.
The complementary aspect of these skills is a prudent way we do business. CTG Aboriginal Health is registered Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation listed under ASIC and is regularly audited for compliance purposes. CTG Aboriginal Health has 58 staff across the region, runs 27 Government Contracted projects and is led by a highly skilled and qualified executive team.
The complementary aspect of skills is prudent to the way we do business. CTG Aboriginal Health Service is a registered Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation listed under ASIC and is regularly audited for compliance purposes. CTG Aboriginal Health Service has 90 staff across the region, CTG Aboriginal Health Service runs 25 Government Contracted projects and our experience is led by a highly skilled and qualified Executive Team.
For our people to access culturally appropriate services that provide a state health and wellbeing.
Consistently advocating for and facilitate the achievement to improve the health outcomes for our peoples.